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(The film opens up with Tinker Bell flying past clouds shaped like characters from the original film and finally meeting up with Peter Pan, who is waving from a flying pirate ship in the sky.)

Narrator: The story always ends the same. Peter Pan shouts...

Peter Pan: Good-bye, Wendy!

Narrator: ...and then Wendy shouts back to him...

Young Wendy: I'll always believe in you, Peter Pan!

Narrator: ...and Wendy did believe always... even as she left childhood behind... and came to have children of her own.

(Years passed, with a grown Wendy and her family looking out their window.)

Wendy: There it is, Jane. Second star to the right and straight on to morning.

Little Jane: Never Land!

Singer: The second star to the right shines in the night for you, to tell you that the dream you plan, really can come true. The second star to the right shines with a light that's rare, and if it Never Land you need, its light will lead you there.

Narrator: Our story begins in difficult times. England is threatened with war... and many men have been asked to leave their families to protect their country.

Edward: I'll be home before you know it. I promise. Now, now. What's all this?

(Jane hugs her father.)

Jane: I want to go with you.

Edward: I need you here to take care of your mum and Danny. Can you do that for me?

Jane: Mm-hmm.

Edward: That's my big girl.

Wendy: Be safe, Edward.

Edward: Look after each other, now.

Jane: Good-bye, Daddy! I love you!

Edward: I love you all.

Driver: Drive off!

(Jane and her family bid Edward goodbye before heading back inside.)

Narrator: But the war lasted much longer than anyone could have imagined. Bombs fell from the sky and tore at the very heart of London.

(The scene transits to the children say goodbye to their parents before boarding the train.)

Father: Don't cry, son.

Conductor: All aboard!

Narrator: In an effort to protect its children, the government decreed that they all be sent to the countryside for safekeeping.

Child #1: Good-bye!

Child #2: Bye-bye!

Child #3: I love you!

Woman: Good luck, sweetie!

Narrator: In times such as these... it is no wonder some discard childish things like Peter Pan and Never Land.

(Jane and Nanatwo come out of the shadows.)

Jane: What is it, Nanatwo?

(Nanatwo jumps at a nearby hopscotch.)

Jane: We don't have time, you silly dog. We have to get this home to Danny.

(Loud sirens go off in the distance.)

Jane: Oh, no! Quick, Nanatwo!

(Meanwhile, Wendy and Danny look at the war-filled sky from their back door.)

Danny: Mummy, where's Jane?

Wendy: Don't you worry, Danny. She'll be along. All right, now. Here we go. Into the bomb shelter.

(Wendy and Danny enter their bomb shelter while Jane fights her way through London’s dangerous roads.)

Soldier: Bring the lights up!

Jane: What is it, girl?

(Nanatwo sniffs out an incoming bomb from the sky.)

Jane: Oh, my gosh!

(Jane quickly pulls herself and Nanatwo under some cover until the bombing has passed.)

Jane: Nanatwo, we're not out of the woods yet. We have to get back out there!

(Nanatwo shakes her head.)

Jane: Look, who's in charge here? Don't be silly. I am! Now, come on!

(Jane and Nanatwo continue to weaves through the city. Another bomb goes off near Wendy’s bomb shelter.)

Danny: Mummy, I'm scared! I don't like planes and bombs.

Wendy: Is that what it is? For a moment, it sounded like cannons...on a pirate ship.

Danny: You're right! It's Captain Hook! I hear him! He's coming!

(Jane and Nanatwo quickly enter the bomb shelter.)

Wendy: Jane!

Danny: Jane!

(Wendy hugs Jane.)

Wendy: Oh, Jane! Where have you been? Why didn't you-

Jane: Mother, I'm fine!

Danny: Jane, you made it past the pirates!

Jane: Daniel, careful!

Danny: What's that? What's that?

(Both fall onto the bed.)

Both: Whoa!

Danny: Hey! It's for me, isn't it? Let me see! Let me see!

Jane: All right! Happy birthday, Daniel.

Danny: Yippee!

(Danny opens his gift, revealed to be a pair of large socks.)

Danny: Socks. Two of 'em.

Wendy: Jane, dear, how very…practical.

Jane: Got them a size large so he can grow into them.

(Wendy puts on Danny’s socks as hand puppets.)

Wendy: Look, Danny. Pan and Hook, see? Curse you, Peter Pan!

Jane: Oh, Mother.

Danny: I want to hear a Peter Pan story!

(Nanatwo barks in excitement.)

Jane: Shh! Nanatwo!

Wendy: All right, then. How about the time Peter and the Lost Boys captured Hook's ship right from under his nose?

Danny: Ooh! That's a good one!

Wendy: It was late one misty evening and Hook was sure once again that he'd found Peter's hideout. Hook and his bloodthirsty crew went ashore leaving the Jolly Roger unguarded. That's when Peter Pan arrived!

(The scene cuts to Wendy’s story being acted out from Peter Pan’s perspective.)

Wendy: He and the boys slipped aboard...and there they found it! Hook's remarkable treasure!

Danny: Wow!

Wendy: Peter told the Lost Boys they'd hide it...and Hook would have to hunt them down to get it back. It was all a great game for Peter. And then, from out of the mist, he was there, the evil Captain Hook! A fierce and ferocious sword fight was fast underway!

(Peter and Hook fight on the mainsail and Hook manages to pin Pan down. The scene cuts back to Danny and Nanatwo quivering in fear before returning back to the story.)

Captain Hook: Give up, boy!

Peter Pan: Never!

Wendy: And at that moment, a shimmering magic covered the ship.

Danny: Tinker Bell!

Wendy: Yes! And the Jolly Roger lifted into the Peter and the boys escaped with the treasure.

(Tinkerbell punches Captain Hook’s nose, before Peter pushes the pirate’s hat through his head.)

Captain Hook: You've not seen the end of me, Peter Pan! I'll get you for this if it's the last thing I do!

(Peter, Tinker Bell, and the Lost Boys wave goodbye, as Hook’s ship takes off into the sky and the treasure in their hands. The scene cuts back to the present.)

Wendy: So you see, Danny, Hook will never long as there's faith, trust, and pixie dust.

Jane: Poppycock!

Danny: Ha! Slow down, you old codfish!

(Danny bumps into Jane, knocking her notebook into Nanatwo’s water bowl.)

Jane: Oh, my notebook!

(A little can drops onto Jane’s head.)

Jane: Ow! Daniel!

Danny: Come on, Jane! We'll beat old Captain Hook together!

Jane: Daniel, please! I have no time for fun and games.

Danny: You used to. You got to be the very first Lost Girl ever!

Jane: That was a long time ago.

Danny: Yeah. Back when you were fun!

(Jane and Danny stick out their tongues at each other. After the bombing has died, Jane and her family return back to their house.)

Jane: Honestly, Mother. I don't know why you fill his head with those silly stories.

Wendy: But they're not silly, Jane. They're-

(A knock is heard at the front door.)

Wendy: Take care of Danny, will you? Go on. I'll be right there.

(Wendy opens the door, with a Royal Observer Corps air raid warden at the entrance.)

Wendy: Yes?

Royal Observer Corps Air Raid Warden: Evacuation, ma’am. Your children are scheduled on the morning train.

Wendy: So soon? But I haven't even told them.

Royal Observer Corps Air Raid Warden: The sooner the better, if you ask me. Good night, ma’am.

Wendy: Yes. Uh, good night.

(Wendy enters Jane’s room.)

Jane, dear. Will you promise me something? Promise you'll watch over Danny, whatever might happen.

Jane: What?

Wendy: You and your brother are going away for a while.

Jane: Away? Wh-Where?

Wendy: All the children are being evacuated to the country. It's so dangerous here. But you'll be safe there, both of you.

Jane: I'm not going! I'm staying here!

Wendy: But, dear, an order has been issued. Every child must go.

Jane: But Daddy said that I'm supposed to-

Wendy: I know, dear, but you can take care of Danny. Tell him Peter Pan stories. He needs them Jane, and so do you. Please, dear. Promise me.

Jane: No! I will not promise!

Wendy: Oh, Jane. We'll be together again. You must have faith.

Jane: Faith? Trust? Pixie dust? Mother, those are just words from your stories! They don't mean anything!

Danny: Yes, they do. Peter Pan says they'll make you fly.

Jane: Daniel, story time is over! Look! It's a war! Peter Pan isn't real and people don't fly!

Danny: They do too!

Jane: Oh, come on, Daniel! Grow up!

Wendy: Jane!

Jane: It's just a lot of childish nonsense!

Danny: You're lying!

(Danny runs off in tears.)

Wendy: Jane, how could you treat your brother that way?

(Wendy proceeds to exit Jane’s room.)

You think you're very grown-up...but you have a great deal to learn.

(Nanatwo also leaves and Jane slams her door shut.)

Singer: I am not a child now. I can take care of myself. Mustn't let them down now. Mustn't let them see me cry. I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm too tired to listen, I'm too old to believe all these childish stories. There is no such thing as faith, and trust, and pixie dust. 'Cause I try. But it's so hard to believe, I try. But I can't see what you see, I try, I try, I try.

(Jane looks out at a nearby fire from her window.)

Firefighter #1: I don't know if it's going!

Firefighter #2: Is that water pressure up?

(Jane closes the window and picks up Danny’s Peter Pan doll.

Jane: Peter Pan. Pixie dust. Childish nonsense!

(Jane cries and sleeps by her bedroom window. Later, we see seagulls flying and squawking about. Captain Hook’s flying ship arrives. A band of pirates climbed down ropes, one of them was holding a sack. Jane was sleeping by her bedroom window when Captain Hook slid his hook into his hook. Jane woke up to see the villainous captain’s shadow, but when she turned around, he disappeared. Jane closed the window and the door creaked open.)

Captain Hook: Hello, Wendy.

(Two pirates gagged and roped her.)

Mr. Smee: My apologies, miss.

(The pirates kidnap Jane but accidentally set of an air raid alarm.)

Captain Hook: Curses! Bring her down!

(The ship is quickly brought down for the pirates to board.)

Captain Hook: Hurry, Smee!

Jane: My name’s not Wendy! She’s my mother!

Mr. Smee: Oh, come on, now. Don't fuss.

Captain Hook: Cast off, ya mangy dogs!

(The ship takes off but is quickly held back by the anchor dragging along to ground.)

Captain Hook: Hoist anchor!

(The Jolly Roger continues to fly through the London skies and toward the second star to the right. Upon enter the star, past audio from the original film can be heard.)

Captain Hook (Archive): I'll get you for this Pan, if it's the last thing I do!

Mermaids (Archive): Hello Peter! Hello Peter!

Young Wendy (Archive): Oh, Peter! You saved my life!

Slightly (Archive): Wendy Bird!

Cubby (Archive): Wendy Bird?

Peter Pan (Archive): Where are you Tink? Once you’re grown up, you can never come back!

(More voices and sounds shouted at once, until the pirate ship arrived in Neverland).

Captain Hook: I've got a little surprise for you, Peter Pan.

Pirate #1: Drop the main sails!

(The Jolly Roger safely lands in Neverland’s waters.)

Pirate #2: Prepare to drop anchor!

Captain Hook: This is simply perfect! Yes, Mr. Smee, with Wendy as bait...we shall lure Peter Pan to his doom! Summon the beast!

Mr. Smee: Yes, sir, Captain. Right away! Oh Yo ho ho, another plan to try to capture Peter Pan! Captain Hook's a brilliant man! Who else could think of the perfect crime? And bumble and fumble it every time?

Captain Hook: Smee!

Mr. Smee: Whoa!

(Mr. Smee drops the dirty food into the water, awakening the beast.)

Captain Hook: Set the bait! Make no doubt, Smee. That wretched boy will be but a notch in me scabbard.

Peter Pan: Only in your dreams, Hook!

Captain Hook: Pan!

(Peter Pan arrives and cuts Captain Hook’s hat into pieces.)

Peter Pan: I didn't know a codfish could talk. Did you, Tinker Bell?

(Tinker Bell laughs in agreement.)

Captain Hook: Blast him!

Peter Pan: Take your best shot, Captain!

(Peter dodges the first cannonball.)

Peter Pan: Come on! You're gonna have to do better than that, boy!

(Peter proceeds to dodge the second cannonball and a pirate’s attacks.)

Whoa! Uh-uh-uh! Three strikes and you're out!

(Peter dodges the third cannonball, which hits the pirate and sends him flying into the crew.)

Captain Hook: Come down here, boy. I've a little something for you.

Peter Pan: A present for me? Aw, you really shouldn't have.

Captain Hook: Call it a token of me affection. You see, it is a certain…friend of yours.

Peter Pan: Who?

Captain Hook: Wendy.

Peter Pan: Wendy?

(Peter quickly pulls out his dagger.)

Peter Pan: Let her go, Hook, you black hearted scoundrel!

Captain Hook: You want her? Ha! Well, go and get her!

(Captain Hook releases Jane into the water. Peter and Tinker Bell dive in the save her while the beast attacks. Hook and Smee look overboard to see Peter’s hat floating to the surface.)

Captain Hook: I did it. I did it! I-I-I can't believe it. I-I'm free! Free of Peter Pan forever! Mr. Smee, who is the most brazen, bold, and brilliant buccaneer who ever sailed the briny blue?

Mr. Smee: Um, Blackbeard?

(Captain Hook smacks Smee on the head.)

Captain Hook: Boys?

Pirates: Hook! Hook! Hook!

Captain Hook: Thank you, thank you. I was good, wasn't I?

(Peter reappears with Jane in his hands.)

Peter Pan: Did you miss me, Captain?

Captain Hook: How did you escape the beast?

(Tinker Bell uses to her pixie dust to lift the beast, revealed to be an octopus, and drop it on Hook.)

Captain Hook: Aah!!

Octopus: Yum!

(The octopus sees Hook as a fish, due to a major sight problem.)

Captain Hook: Now, now, stay away! No! No, no, no! No, no! No! Oh, Smee!

Mr. Smee: Hang on, Captain. Here I come!

(The octopus sends Hook and Smee crash-landing into their deck.)

Captain Hook: Smee! Mr. Smee, be a good fellow and fix the I can make you walk it!

Mr. Smee: Aye-aye, Captain!

(Meanwhile, Peter brings Jane to a nearby rock and frees her.)

Peter Pan: Easy does it, Wendy. You should have seen Hook's face when I-

(Jane punches Peter.)

Peter Pan: Ow!

Jane: Ow! Ow! Ow, ow, ow!

(Peter examines Jane.)

Jane: Whoa!

Peter Pan: Oh!

Jane: Peter Pan?

Peter Pan: Well, you're sure not Wendy!

Jane: Tinker Bell? Oh, I get it. I'm dreaming. You're not real!

(A loud cannon shot is heard.)

Both: Huh?

Peter Pan: Look out!

(Peter pushes Jane away from an incoming cannonball.)

Captain Hook: Pan, you double-crossing pipsqueak! Come back here and fight like a man!

Peter Pan: Come and get me, you old codfish!

(Tinker Bell blows raspberry at Captain Hook.)

Peter Pan: Come on. We gotta fly out of here.

(Peter flies off with Jane.)

Jane: Wait! What are you doing? Woah!

Peter Pan: If you're not Wendy, who are you?

Jane: I'm her daughter Jane!

Peter Pan: Huh! Well, if you're Wendy's daughter, you're gonna love it here!

(Peter Pan shows Jane all of Never Land, including: a rainbow, Skull Rock, the Indian Camp, and Mermaid Lagoon. Peter pulls Jane out before she can be splashed by the mermaids. Tinker Bell also becomes jealous of Jane.)

Peter Pan: Hey, this is great! You can stay here forever!

(Tinker Bell pushes Jane off.)

Jane: Help!

(Peter catches Jane’s in time.)

Jane: She did that on purpose!

Peter Pan: Aw, she's just jealous. All girls get like that around me.

Jane: Oh, really? How very nice for you- Woah!

(Peter drops Jane into Hangman’s Tree.)

Jane: Aah!

Peter Pan: That was fun, huh? Lost Boys, fall in!

(The Lost Boys appear, dangling from the ceiling.)

Jane: Oh, careful! You're going to fall!

(Toodles crashes into Jane.)

Peter Pan: Sound off!

Slightly: Slightly!

Nibs: Nibs!

Twins: The twins!

(Cubby falls from the ceiling.)

Cubby: Ow! Cubby.

Slightly: And that's Toodles!

Jane: Oh!

(Peter and the Lost Boys spit on their hands and proceed to smack them together.)

Jane: Eww!

Peter Pan: Boys, this is Jane. She's gonna stay here and be our new mother...and tell us stories.

Jane: I'm not- What do you mean by-

Lost Boys: Yea! Stories! Tell stories! Come on!

Jane: Um, actually, I'm afraid I'm not very good at telling stories.

Cubby: Ah, that's okay. We're not very good at listening to stories.

(Nibs drops a bucket on Cubby’s head with a bow and arrow.)

Nibs: Ooh! I know. Let's play a game instead!

Twins: Red rover! Red rover!

Slightly: Nah. Something else.

Cubby: Let's play the no more hitting Cubby on the head game.

(Nibs proceeds to smack the bucket deep into Cubby’s head.)

Peter Pan: Hey, how about a treasure hunt?

Lost Boys: Good idea! Yeah! A treasure hunt!

Peter Pan: I hid it really good this time. You guys will never find it!

Cubby: Sure we will!

(Cubby falls over while struggling to remove the bucket.)

Lost Boys: Rubies! Treasure! Treasure! Diamonds! Yeah, come on! Let's go! Let's go!

Jane: No! No, no, no, and no!

(Toodles angrily sticks his tongue at Jane.)

Jane: You remind me of some one I know. Ohh. I have to go home.

Cubby: What's the matter with her?

Peter Pan: I don't know. She acts kinda like a...grown-up.

Lost Boys: Eww!

(Jane walks past a fish pond in the ceiling.)

Jane: I've got to get out of here.

(The scene transitions to the octopus heading towards the Jolly Roger.)

Captain Hook: Smee!

Mr. Smee: Coming, Captain!

Captain Hook: Oh, my back!

Mr. Smee: Oh, dear, dear, dear, Captain. A nice massage is just the ticket for you. Now, you just forget about old Peter Pan.

Captain Hook: Perhaps you're right.

Mr. Smee: All in the past, I say. All in the past.

Captain Hook: Ah, the past…

Mr. Smee: Likes when he stole your treasure.

Captain Hook: My treasure?

Mr. Smee: And then laughed in your face.

Captain Hook: Laughed in my face…

Mr. Smee: Or today, for example, tricking that there sea monster into pulling down your pants.

Captain Hook: Aah!

Mr. Smee: Right in front of the crew too.

Captain Hook: Right in front of the crew! We've got to find him!

Mr. Smee: Catchy.

(Captain Hook hears the octopus’s popping noise.)

Captain Hook: Smee, listen! Great Scott! No sooner do I rid me self of that cursed crocodile...and now this!

Mr. Smee: Oh, there, there. He's just a playful little sea urchin is all.

Captain Hook: I swear, Smee, this is propelling me to delirium. I detest cephalopods.

(The octopus gives a handkerchief to Hook.)

Captain Hook: Thank you…Aah! Smee! Save me!

Mr. Smee: Oh, you big brute, you! Off with you. Go on, now. Shoo, shoo! And take your arms with you. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

(The octopus squirts water at Mr. Smee before leaving.)

Mr. Smee: At least the crocodile had manners!

Captain Hook: Blast that scurvy boy! This is all his fault. Mr. Smee, pipe up the crew. We're going ashore to find Peter Pan!

(The scene cuts back to Peter Pan and Tinker Bell spying on Jane at the shore.)

Peter Pan: Tink, what is she doing? It looks like she's leaving.

(Tinker Bell urges Peter to leave with her, but he swats her away.)

Peter Pan: Shh!

(Tinker Bell looks away in anger and sadness.)

Jane: Half-dozen bananas. Check. Ten coconuts. Check. Two oars-

Peter Pan: Hey, Jane. How come you want to go home so bad?

Jane: I have to get back to my family.

Peter Pan: Why?

Jane: Well, um, I don't want to talk about it.

Peter Pan: Why not?

Jane: Well, If you must know, we had a fight.

Peter Pan: Why?

Jane: Oh. I told my little brother you weren't real.

Peter Pan: What? Why?

Jane: Well, oh, I don't know. But I have to get back and set things right.

Peter Pan: Why?

Jane: Because! That's why!

(Peter sadly stares at Jane.)

Peter Pan: Well, you know, you can't get home that way.

Jane: I-I've got to try. Well... good-bye.

(Jane shakes hands with Peter.)

Jane: It was nice meeting you, Peter Pan. Duty calls.

(Jane takes off on her makeshift boat, but it immediately sinks.)

Jane: Oh! Oh, dear! Oh, no!

Peter Pan: You okay?

Jane: I just want to go home.

Peter Pan: Well, you know, the only way out of here is to fly. Come on, I'll show you how.

(Peter Carrie’s Jane back to Never Land. The scene transitions back to Captain Hook and his crew entering the island.)

Captain Hook: Step softly, you worthless dogs! Set your sights for Peter Pan!

Mr. Smee: Oh, goodness. Haven't we searched the island a thousand times before?

Captain Hook: I beg your pardon, Mr. Smee?

Mr. Smee: Uh, I said that, uh...searching for Pan is, um, galore!

Captain Hook: There'll be no rest until we have that boy in irons!

(Mr. Smee falls over his rowboat.)

Mr. Smee: Woah!

(The scene transitions to the Lost Boys watching Peter and Jane.)

Lost Boys: Hey! Watch it, Cubby!

Jane: Oh, no, Peter. I really don't think this will wo- Aah!

(Peter drops Jane on a cliff.)

Jane: This is ridiculous. I can't fly!

Peter Pan: Well, of course you can't, but I can! I guess I'm just smarter than you.

Jane: I highly doubt that.

Peter Pan: Braver.

Jane: Right.

Peter Pan: Stronger!

Jane: Oh, yeah, that's it.

Peter Pan: Well, then it must be my good looks.

Jane: Or maybe you're full of hot air.

Peter Pan: Hey! Look, anybody can do it. Tink?

(Tinker Bell sprinkles pixie dust on the Lost Boys.)

Nibs: Yeah! All it takes is faith.

Slightly: Trust.

Cubby: And, uh, something else.

Jane: Pixie dust?

Cubby: That's it!

(Cubby bumps into Nibs.)

Peter Pan: Okay, Tink, let her have it!

(Tinker Bell refuses.)

Peter Pan: Tink.

(Tinker Bell still refuses.)

Peter Pan: Gosh, Tink, if she can't fly home, I guess she'll have to move in with us.

(Persuaded, Tinker Bell quickly showers Jane in lots of pixie dust.)

Jane: Now, that's enough!

(Jane sneezes and sends Tinker Bell flying into a nearby mushroom, with the boys laughing. The pirates overhear the noise.)

Captain Hook: Odds fish, what's that?

Peter Pan: Okay, Jane.

Jane: Don't even think about it.

Peter Pan: Ready or not!

(Peter kicks Jane off the cliff.)

Lost Boys: I got her! I got her! I got her! I got her! I got her!

(All the Lost Boys miss and Jane crash-lands into the ground.)

Cubby: I thought you said you got her.

Jane: Oh, how will I ever get back home?

Captain Hook: So, the girl can't fly, yet she wants to go home. Smee, do you know what this means?

Mr. Smee: Six more weeks of winter?

Captain Hook: No, you imbecile! We'll get me treasure and the boy.

(Captain Hook leaves the scene.)

Peter Pan: Hey, what's this?

(Peter picks up Jane’s notebook.)

Jane: Oh, give that back! It's my list! Things to do, places to be. Important things!

Peter Pan: Huh? That stuff's no fun! No wonder you can't fly.

Jane: Give it back, Peter!

Peter Pan: Slightly, catch!

(Peter tosses the notebook to Slightly.)

Peter Pan: Keep away from Jane!

(Slightly passes the notebook to Nibs.)

Nibs: I got it!

(Nibs passes the notebook to the twins.)

Twin #1: I got it!

Jane: You boys are horrid!

Slightly: Come on, come on, over here!

(The twins throw the notebook back to Slightly.)

Jane: You're ripping it!

Cubby: Come on! Why don't you guys ever throw to me?

(Toodles snatches the notebook from Slightly and runs towards Peter.)

Jane: No, stop it! This isn't funny!

(Peter kicks the notebook.)

Slightly: Whoo hoo!

Cubby: I've got it!

(Cubby catches the flying notebook with his mouth and accidentally swallows it. Peter and the Lost Boys proceed to laugh.)

Jane: This is just a game to you, isn't it? Well, I'm tired of playing!

Peter Pan: Gosh, Jane, we didn't mean to make you mad.

Jane: Oh, grow up! You did so! You're just a bunch of silly, ridiculous children!

(Tinker Bell tries to pull Jane back.)

Jane: No, no, leave me alone! Oh, I don't believe in any of this! And I especially don't believe in fairies!

(Tinker Bell and the Lost Boys gasp in shock.)

Jane: Good-bye!

Peter Pan: Oh, yeah? Well, good riddance! Hmm!

(Tinker Bell slowly grows weak and drops to the ground.)

Cubby: Uh, Peter? I think there's something wrong with Tinker Bell.

(Later, Jane spends the night alone in the woods. Rain eventually hits and Jane is forced to take shelter. She notices a family of birds together, making her think about her own family. The scene flashes back to Jane’s past.)

Edward (Flashback): I need you here to take care of your mum and Danny. Can you do that for me?

Jane (Flashback): Mm-hmm.

Edward (Flashback): That's my big girl.

Jane (Flashback): I love you!

(The scene returns back to present Jane crying, before cutting to the Lost Boys examining Tinker Bell’s health.)

Slightly: Ooh. Looks kinda bad.

Cubby: Kinda bad? Kinda? Oh, it's hopeless! Poor little Tinker Bell!

Peter Pan: Hey, put a cork in it!

(Nibs slams a club into Cubby’s mouth.)

Nibs and Slightly: Shh!

(Tinker Bell proceeds to explain her problem to Peter.)

Peter Pan: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. What?

Slightly: What did she say, Peter?

Peter Pan: If we don't get Jane to believe in fairies...Tink's light's gonna go out.

Cubby: Well, let's just go and make her believe!

Peter Pan: Hang on a minute.

(Peter smacks Cubby on the head with a club.)

Cubby: Ow!

Peter Pan: You can't just make somebody believe in fairies.

Twins: But we believe.

Cubby: Yeah, it ain't hard for us.

Peter Pan: That's it! We gotta make Jane one of us!

Lost Boys: But she's a girl!

Peter Pan: You want to help Tink, don't ya?

Lost Boys: Uh-huh.

Peter Pan: We gotta do it!

(Peter and the Lost Boys spit into their hands and smacked them together in agreement.)

Peter Pan: Don't worry, Tink. We'll save you.

(The scene transitions back to Jane sitting alone in the woods. She hears Captain Hook crying.)

Captain Hook: Ohh!

(Jane approaches Captain Hook with his sword.)

Jane: Stay where you are!

Captain Hook: Please, go right ahead. Run me through. You'll be doing me a favor.

Jane: All right. I give up. What's your problem?

Captain Hook: All I've ever wanted was to get away from this dreadful place...and home to my dear, sweet mother.

(Hook shows Jane a photo of his mother.)

Captain Hook: But blast it all! Peter stole my treasure...and my men would mutiny if I so much as tried to leave without it. So here I am...stuck in this absurd place. My sources tell wish to return home as well?

Jane: Huh. You got that right. I guess we're in the same boat.

Captain Hook: The same boat? That's it!

Jane: Wh-What's it?

Captain Hook: I'll give you passage home on my ship...and you can help me recover my treasure. Uh, don't you see? The treasure's useless to Peter. He's not sensible like you and I. He's just a boy who'll never grow up.

Jane: Hmm. Tell me about it.

Captain Hook: And, really, what other choice do you have? It's not as though you could fly home.

Jane: Hmm, well, I suppose. If it is right fully yours, and if it's really no use to Peter…

Captain Hook: Splendid, splendid!

Jane: Wait! You must swear not to harm Peter.

Captain Hook: Me? Actually harm Peter Pan? Perish the thought! It's all a game, you see. I shan't harm him. You have my word. I, Captain James Hook, do hereby swear...not to harm a single hair on Peter Pan's head. You see? Ironclad, unbreakable. Leave the light on, Mummy! Your baby boy's coming home! Now, when you've located the treasure...just give this a wee toot. You're doing the right thing, my dear. I'm your only way home.

(The scene cuts back to Hangman’s Tree, where Tinker Bell’s light is starting to fade. The scene then transitions to Peter and the Lost Boys searching for Jane.)

Peter Pan: Jane! Jane! Jane, come on back!

Twin #1: Jane!

Twin #2: Jane?

Twin #1: Jane!

Nibs: Jane!

Twins: Jane!

Slightly: Jane!

Cubby: Jane!

Twins: Jane!

Slightly: Jane!

Nibs: Jane!

Jane: Peter!

Peter Pan: Hmm?

Jane: Peter Pan!

(Peter drops down from the tree.)

Jane: Ohh!

Both: There you are! I've been looking all over for- I, uh-

Jane: No, no, no.

Both: You-

(Peter quickly covers Jane’s mouth.)

Peter Pan: I'm awful sorry for wrecking your book. Me and the Lost Boys, we want to do something to make it up to you. We want you to feel like…well, like you're one of us. We'll do anything for you. Honest.

Jane: Anything?

Peter Pan: Anything at all! You just name it.

Jane: Well, um, why don't we play a maybe treasure hunt!

Peter Pan: Treasure hunt? That's a great idea! But you'll have to think like a Lost Boy.

Jane: Uh-

Peter Pan: And have fun like a Lost Boy!

Jane: Tell me what to do.

(Peter alerts the Lost Boys with his rooster crow.)

Twin #1: Well, to be one of us...

Jane: Yes?

Twin #2: There are some things to know.

Jane: What's that?

Slightly: We like to dream all day.

Lost Boys: And then at night we play, we swing on limbs of trees till we wake up the bees. These are the things we Lost Boys do! We swing from rope to rope. We have no use for soap. With open mouths we chomp on mud pies from the swamp and then we top it off with pudding from a trough. These are the things we Lost Boys do! We're rolling in dirt. And we won't change our shirt. We're marching around to see what makes a sound. Ugh!

(Peter and Jane board a log on a river.)

Peter Pan: Dare you to throw that rock!

Jane: I'll get a triple skip!

Peter Pan: Dare you to explore that cave!

Jane: I'll have an overnight trip!

Both: And if you're feeling scared, I'll have my friends right there. These are the things we Lost Boys do!

(The log reaches a waterfall, with Peter flying off while Jane falls into the water below. Jane reaches Dead Man’s Cave and locates the treasure.)

Jane: The treasure! I found-

(Jane pulls out Hook’s whistle.)

Captain Hook: Now, when you reach the treasure, just give this a wee toot.

(Jane decides to discard the whistle.)

Peter Pan: Hey, Jane, you did it! Lost Boys! Jane found the treasure in Dead Man's Cave!

Lost Boys: Yahoo! The treasure!

Peter Pan: Attention! Fall in! In honor of your downright unbelievable skill at finding hidden treasures...I now proclaim you, Jane, a Lost Boy! Uh, I mean a Lost Girl.

Jane: Me? The very first Lost Girl?

Peter Pan: What's the matter? Don't you want to be?

(Jane happily hugs Peter.)

Jane: Oh, yes. I'd like that very much, Peter.

Slightly: Let's hear it for Jane!

All: Yippee! Now that you're one of us, feel free to sing along. We are so proud of you-

(Toodles finds the discarded whistle in the waters.)

All: -that you can do no wrong And we don't even care if you pull on our hair!

Peter Pan: These are the things that Lost Boys-

Jane: These are the things that Lost Girls-

All: These are the things we love to-

(Toodles blows the whistle.)

Jane: No, wait! No! Whoa!

(Captain Hook and his crew arrive.)

Pirate #1: The treasure is ours!

(The pirates capture Peter and the Lost Boys.)

Lost Boys: Oh! Hey!

Peter Pan: Let me go!

Captain Hook: It's time for you to meet your maker, Peter Pan!

Jane: Stop it! Please!

Captain Hook: Sorry. No can do. And thank you, milady. I couldn't have done it without you.

Peter Pan: Jane?

Jane: I never meant-

Captain Hook: Oh, my. Have we let the kitty out of the bag?

Jane: No, wait! You said no one would get hurt. You gave your word!

Captain Hook: And Captain Hook is a man of his word. I promised I wouldn't harm a single hair on his head. And...

(Hook plucks a strand of hair from Peter‘s head.)

Peter Pan: Ow!

Captain Hook: This is the one I won't harm! Here. You keep it.

(Hook gives the hair strand to Jane.)

Captain Hook: The rest of him is mine!

Jane: I didn't do it, Peter! I never agreed to this.

Peter Pan: You're a traitor, Jane! You lied to me! And because you don't believe in fairies, Tink's light is going out!

Jane: Tinker Bell?

(The pirates leave with Peter and the Lost Boys.)

Jane: No. Peter, I-I'll save you, Peter! I will!

Captain Hook: My dear, no one can save him now!

(Jane quickly rushes towards Hangman’s Tree. Meanwhile, Tinker Bell’s light goes out.)

Jane: Tinker Bell! Tinker Bell! Tink! Tink!

(Jane finds Tinker Bell lifeless.)

Jane: Tinker Bell. It's true.

Singer: I can finally see it. Now I have to believe.

Jane: Oh. Oh, no. This is all my fault.

Singer: All those precious stories. How the world is made of faith and trust-

Jane: I'm so sorry

Singer: -and pixie dust. So I'll try 'cause I finally believe. I'll try 'cause I can see what you see. I'll try, I'll try to fly.

(With Jane’s newfound belief, Tinker Bell is revived.)

Jane: Tinker Bell? Oh, this is wonderful! Wait until Peter- Oh, my gosh! Peter!

(The scene cuts to the Jolly Roger, with the pirates taunting a captive Peter.)

Pirate #1: Aye. Keel haul the brats!

Pirate #2: He's fish food now!

Pirate #3: Hey, he's like a piata!

Captain Hook: Look at him, Smee. He's nothing but a child…and I loathe children! Uh, cut him down.

(A pirate cuts Peter down.)

Captain Hook: Any last words, boy?

Peter Pan: Let the Lost Boys go!

Captain Hook: Oh, they'll go...right after you, one by one, off the end of the plank!

(The pirates force Peter to walk the plank.)

Peter Pan: Be brave, lads. Don't let 'em see you cry.

(The Lost Boys proceed to hide behind a pole and cry.)

Captain Hook: Say your prayers, Peter Pan!

Jane: Not so fast, you old codfish, or you'll have to answer to me!

Lost Boys: Yippee! Yea!

Peter Pan: Jane?

Captain Hook: Good heavens! Run! Run for your lives! It's...a little girl.

(Tinker Bell appears beside Jane.)

Peter Pan: Tinker Bell! You're alive!

Mr. Smee: Oh, and look, Captain, a fairy too.

(Jane notices Hook wearing a key and whispers to Tinker Bell.)

Captain Hook: Ohh!

(Tinker Bell distracts Hook and the pirates while Jane frees the Lost Boys.)

Captain Hook: Don't just stand there, you fools! Get the girl!

Pirates: Destroy them young tykes!

(The pirates chase after Jane and the Lost Boys.)

Captain Hook: Smee!

Mr. Smee: I got her, Captain. I got her.

Captain Hook: Woah!

(Smee accidentally traps Tinker Bell and Hook’s head in his hat.)

Mr. Smee: Oh, watch your head.

Captain Hook: Waah!

(Meanwhile, Slightly and Nibs hop into barrels and taunt the pirates before escaping.)

Slightly and Nibs: Nyaah!

Pirate #4: I've got you now-

(The twins use their tails to trip the pirate.)

Pirate #4: Oh! Ohh!

Lost Boys: Huh? Yea!

(Jane and the Lost Boys grab slingshots as weapons. Toodles slingshots a gem into the ocean, causing a pirate to go after it.)

Pirate #5: Gimme! Mine! Mine! Big shiny! Mi-

(Jane and the Lost Boys proceed to throw Hook’s treasure, sending the rest of the pirates overboard.)

Captain Hook: Get her off! Get her off me!

(Smee accidentally knocks Hook unconscious with an oar.)

Mr. Smee: Oh! Captain?

(Tinker Bell sends Smee falling overboard, into a rowboat. Jane tries to steal the key from the unconscious Hook, but he awakens.)

Captain Hook: I've had just about enough of your childish games!

(Captain Hook chases Jane to the top of the ship.)

Cubby: Jane, look out!

Captain Hook: Give up, girl.

Jane: Never! Don't you see, Hook? You'll never win. Not as long as there is faith, trust...and pixie dust!

(Tinker Bell sprinkles Jane with pixie dust, enabling her to finally fly.)

Captain Hook: Odd bodkins!

(Everyone cheers for Jane.)

Peter Pan: Unbelievable!

(Jane frees Peter.)

Jane: Mere child's play.

Captain Hook: Gotcha! Ha! Looks like I've got the upper hook now!

Peter Pan: Game's over, Hook! I win! Ha!

(Peter throws his dagger, cutting Hook’s rope and sending him falling.)

Peter Pan: Hey, Captain, you for got your anchor!

(The anchor pulls Captain Hook into the ocean, awakening the octopus.)

Cubby: Abandon ship! 

(The octopus chases Hook around the ship.)

Captain Hook: No! Help me, please! Help!

Peter Pan: You know the rules, Hook. A good captain always goes down with his ship.

Captain Hook: I don't want to be a good captain!

Octopus: Uh-oh.

(The ship and the octopus sink into the ocean.)

Mr. Smee: Look!

(Hook comes flying out of the waters and into the rowboat.)

Captain Hook: Smee!

(The octopus sees Hook and the pirates as fish as they screamed and he chases after them.)

Lost Boys: The codfish! The codfish! The codfish! The codfish! Hooray! All right! Whoo-hoo! Yea! Yea!

(Peter and Jane share a rooster crow before Jane descends to the ground.)

Slightly: Let's hear it for Jane!

Twins: The one and only...Lost Girl!

Jane: Thank you. Thank you.

(Jane and the Lost Boys smack hands together, while Tinker Bell whispers to a saddened Peter.)

Jane: What's wrong, Peter?

Peter Pan: Aw, you can fly now. You can go home.

Jane: I can go home.

Lost Boys: But...but...but...but...but...

(Cubby blows into Nibs’ ear. The Lost Boys then hug Jane.)

Twin #1: We'll miss you.

Twin #2: Yeah. A lot.

Jane: And I'll miss you. All of you. But there's someone back home who needs me. And besides, now I've got great stories to tell him...and they'll all be about Peter Pan and the Lost Boys!

All: Yeah! All right!

Peter Pan: Hey, in that case...mademoiselle, it would be my escort you back to London.

Jane: The pleasure will be all mine, good sir.

(Jane jokingly pushes Peter off.)

Peter Pan: Whoa! Hey!

Jane: Well, it's a long way home. Give me your best shot, Tink!

(Tinker Bell showers Jane and the Lost Boys with pixie dust.)

Cubby: Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

(Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, and Lost Boys fly through the sky to escort Jane home. The scene finally returns back to London, with Jane sleeping at her bedroom window.)

Jane: Oh, my gosh! Mother. Mother!

Wendy: Darling, what's wrong?

Jane: Mummy!

Wendy: What is it? Oh!

(Jane happily hugs Wendy.)

Jane: Oh, you were right. He is most remarkable.

Wendy: Who, dear?

Jane: Oh, Mother, I'm so sorry. Oh, if only I'd listened to you.

(Danny enters the hallway, looking tired.)

Danny: I had a bad dream.

Jane: Did you now? Was it Hook again? Were those pirates up to their old tricks again?

Danny: Whoa! Hey! What's going on?

Jane: I know how to take care of that old codfish. We can do it together, Danny!

Danny: We can?

Jane: The two of us!

Danny: Really?

Jane: I saw him, you know. Captain Hook kidnapped me. Stuffed me into an old dirty bag, he did. He took me off to Never Land and tried to feed me to a giant octopus.

Danny: Wow!

Jane: There were pirates everywhere. And, oh, Tinker Bell was so beautiful.

Danny: You saw Tinker Bell?

Jane: Uh-huh, but her light almost went out. You see, you have to be very careful.

(Wendy hears a jingling noise and goes to the window to investigate. Meanwhile, Peter and Tink quietly spy on her. Seeing no one, Wendy begins to leave and Tinker Bell starting jingling again.)

Peter Pan: Shh!

Wendy: Huh?

(Wendy returns to the window and reunites with Peter Pan.)

Peter Pan: Wendy?

Wendy: Hello, Peter.

Peter Pan: You changed…

Wendy: Not really. Not ever. Hello, Tinker Bell.

(Peter smiles and Tinker Bell allows Wendy to fly one last time.)

Wendy: Oh, Tink.

(Peter Pan politely bows.)

Peter Pan: Madam.

(Wendy curtsies back to Peter.)

Peter Pan: Good-bye, Wendy.

Wendy: Good-bye, Peter.

(Peter and Tink fly off.)

Danny: Wow, look at him! It's Peter Pan!

Jane: I'll always believe in you, Peter Pan.

(Jane sees her father arriving home.)

Soldier: Here we go, then.

Edward: Thanks, mate. I appreciate it.

Jane: Daddy? Daddy!

Wendy: Edward!

Jane: Daddy's home!

(The family runs outside to reunite with Edward, while Peter and Tinker Bell watch.)

Peter Pan: Come on, Tink. Let's go home.

(The pair then quietly flies back to Never Land, ending the film.)
